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by: United FC



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U-17 Boys visit Coach Jason’s Church

United FC Women Win Inaugural Hummel Cup

Men’s Football team prepare for fist competition in 3 years.

Dasani Announced as New Uniform Sponsor

First Collegiate Soccer Post-Game Interview With Asia Williams

First collegiate soccer Post-Game interview with Asia Williams went a little something like this. Sorry, we lost some of the footage because “her phone is trash.”

Working Hard in the Community to Keep Kids Engaged

We’re working hard in the community to keep kids engaged in positive activities, but we know that we can’t do it alone.

Faith In Football and The Fate of Football

Alexia Dixon: A Model Of Personality, Rather Than A Type Model

“Who are you?” It’s a simple question, but it’s so hard to answer.

Sam P. Haven Scholarship recipient giving back

About a week later, Jodei was called into a meeting where the course of her life changed forever.

Why fathers should support their sons in Grassroot Soccer

A boy’s father is his real-life superhero and the support of his father is the fuel that will drive his success.