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“When They Go Low, We Go High”

by: United FC


Here at United, we help our young adults with anything that they need especially if the problem will weigh down an athlete’s life, school work and game performance. We’ve notice that some of our players have anger problems and we know that it can cause major problems in their lives, whether it be relating school or college, friends and sports. Everyone knows that soccer is a contact sport and it can become very physical, especially if you decide to go abroad to play for a college. In order to prepare our athletes for a more physical game style in the future, we helped them to understand not to get angry at every little thing that happens to them on the field. From this day forward the girls’ game have changed and they’ve displayed more sportsmanship towards their opponents. They live by the motto that was taught to them, “When they go low, you go high”, and never forgotten it whiles competing in any match.

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